Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Esquisse one - Triangulation

For esquisse one, students are required to construct a five (5) sided pyramid 100 x 100 x 100mm, using only 1mm wire and balsa wood (no glue or fixings).

To build the pyramid according to the given measurement, one needs to calculate the geometry correctly. Below is the calculation that i have done for the pyramid.

Before constructing the pyramid model, i constructed a mock model using carboard to give myself a better understanding of the pyramid construction.

Below is the completed model constructed using balsa wood and wire

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Furniture Design History

Marc Newson

Marc Newson is known for his futuristic but technically rigorous approach to design.
Born in Sydney, he has worked from studios in Tokyo, Paris and, now, London, to design everything from a private jet to a Ford car. Newson’s entrĂ©e to design came through his mother who took him to live at a beachfront hotel where he remembers as being “full of cool Italian stuff”. After traveling to Asia and Europe in his teens, Marc studies jewelry design and sculpture in Sydney and applied the learnt skills to furniture. Marc was influenced by imported Italian magazines, like Domus and Ottogano while working part time at a newsagent. Marc was also influenced by cars which included the DB4 Aston Martins and the 1960s Lamborghinis and was also influenced by Joe Colombo for his “killer shapes “ and Achile Castiglioni for being “clever and witty”. Below are some examples of his previous work.

Rock doorstop , 1997

Qantas Sky Bed , 2003
Wooden Chair , 1988

Lockheed Lounge , 1986

Felt Chair , 1989

Phillipe Starck

Phillipe Starck was educated in Paris at Ecole Nissim de Camondo and founded his first design firm, which specialized in inflatable objects, in 1968. Starck’s design does not consist of expensive single pieces but instead usable household items which he himself helps to market for mass production. His products and furnishings are often stylized,streamlined and organic looking and also made using mixed media such as glass and stone,plastic and aluminum and etc.He is famous for his designs for Kartell, an Italian manufacturer where many were made from polycarbonate plastic which includes the Louis Ghost Chair and La Boheme stool.Starck has also became famous for his juicer design for Alessi called , the Juicy Salif.Below are examples of his previous work.

Juicy Salif Juicer, 1990

Miss Trip, 1996

Dr. Glob,1988

Boom Rang, 1992

Pratfall , 1982

Eero Aarnio

Eero Aarnio is a Finnish interior designer who is well known for innovative furniture designs around the 60’s, notably his plastic and fiberglass chairs. After completing his studies at the Institute of Industrial Arts in Helsinki, Aarnio started his own office a year before introducing his Ball chair in 1963. Aarnio’s designs became important in the 60’s pop culture and often could be seen in sci-fi movies as his designs possessed simple geometric forms, they were ideal as movie props. His Screw Table which has the appearance of a flat head screw driven into the ground was awarded the American Industrial Design Award in 1968.Later on, as Aarnio worked with safer types of plastic continued execute new designs including furniture’s and toys for children.Below are examples of his previous work.

Tomato Chair , 1971

Pony , 1973

Pastil Chair , 1967

Bubble Chair , 1963

Screw table , 1992

Harry Bertoai

Harry Bertoai was an Italian-born artist,sculptor and a modern furniture designer. Bertoai had early exposure to arts while enrolling in Cass Technical School where he learned the art of handmade jewelry making. In 1939, Bertoai opened his own metal workshop and taught jewelry design and metal work. Bertoai drew training manuals while working at Evans Product Company where he experimented with molded plywood that later would evolve into a furniture. After moving to Pennsylvania, Bertoai worked with Hans and Florence Knoll where he designed five wire pieces that became known as the Bertoai Collection for Knoll. The famous one is the “Diamond Chair a fluid sculptural form made from a molded lattice work of welded steel. Below are examples of his previous work.

Sonambient sculpture, 1970
Untitled , 1965

Spectacular Dandelion , 1964

Spectacular Dandelion , 1964

Diamon Chair , 1965

Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier is a Swiss-French architect, designer, urbanist, writer and also painter is also famous for being one of the pioneers of Modern architecture or the International Style. Le Corbusier developed attraction for visual arts and was taught by Charlse L’eplattenier at the La-Chaux-de-Fonds Art School. His teacher, Rene Chapallaz made big influence on Corbusier’s
earliest houses design. Le Corbusier was heavily influenced by problems he saws in industrial cities at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. In the Post –War period, the decline in middle and upper class taste for the suburban lifestyle has resulted in repudiation of Le Corbusier’s ideas and design. Below are some examples of his previous work

Basculant , model no. B301 , 1928

Model No. B302 , 1929

Basculant , model No. B301 , 1928

Grand Confort model No.LC2 , 1928

Dining table , 1928

Alvar Aalto

Alvar Aalto, sometimes being called as the “Father of Modernism” is a Finnish architect and designer born in Helsinki on February 3 1898. Alvar’s early career started during the rapid economic growth and industrialization of Finland and for that case many of his clients were industrialist. His design collabration with Erik Bryggman for the Viipuri Library Project in 1930s indicates Aalto’s move towards modernism.While being a member of the Congres Internationaux d’Architecture Modrene (CIAM) Aalto started following Le Corbusier’s work.Alvar was influenced by meeting with various members of the Bauhaus design school especially Laszlo Moholy Nagy. Alvar Aalto’s work executed after World War II showed his maturity and less machine like in imagery approach. Below are examples of his previous work.

Aalto side-table , 1932

model no. F35, 1930

Pendant Lamp , 1950

Y-leg stool , 1947

model No.
31 , 1932